

Everyone is welcome to any events held at Mansfield 1st Presbertyrian Church


October 5th - 10am - Women's Bible Study, in Westminster. Please Sign up or contact the office (419-756-7066) if interested so we can have a copy of Jen Wilkin's Matthew for you

October 6th, 2-4pm  - "October Blest" Family Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat - Join us for games, crafts, donut holes, cider, photo op, obstacle course, giant Jenga and lots more!. This year we are also holding a canned food drive for The Salvation Army during this event. 

Rummage Sale - October 11th 9a-4p

Rummage Sale - October 12th 9a-noon

 October 16th - Prime Time Adult Bible Study at 4pm - We are currently studying,  “Jesus Christ: Teacher, Servant, and Savior” by John Stott.  - We meet in Westminster, use the entrance with the portico that faces Millsboro Rd.

October 5th - 10am - Women's Bible Study, in Westminster. Please contact the office (419-756-7066) if interested so we can have a copy of Jen Wilkin's Matthew for you

October 20th - Spirit Seekers Adult Bible Study & Kids of the Kirk Youth Bible Study - We meet in Westminster following Worship. We start with a fellowship lunch then divide into youth & adults to being our Bible Study's.

October 27th - Kirkin O' the Tartan - Tradition Scottish Worship Service. Including a bag piper, Scottish Tea after worship service and kid friendly version of "highland games".


April 24, 2023

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April 24, 2023

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

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