What to Expect

What to Expect

 Worship - Children of all ages worship with their families in the sanctuary during the first portion of our service.  After a children's message with Pastor Joseph, kids kindergarten through 4th grade are dismissed for Kids Own Worship.

First Sunday Family Worship - The first Sunday of each month, in which our church family observes communion, will now be for Family Worship.  There still will be a staffed nursery provided for kids birth through age 5, but there will be no Kids Own Worship on these Sundays.  Worship Bags, which are available in the narthex, will continue to be provided.  We believe that Family Worship on Communion Sunday provides an excellent opportunity for your young children to learn more about the importance of communion and to observe their church family in this sacrament.  It also allows our teachers to participate in communion with their fellow believers.  If for any reason your child is having difficulty during Family Worship, the Kids Own Worship Room will be open for you to go to with your child, but there will be no staff.  You, the parent or grandparent, would need to remain in the Kids Own Worship Room with your child.

Worship Bags - Available in the narthex for children ages 3 through 4th grade to use while they are in the worship service.  These include activities for busy hands and a bulletin of their very own!

 Youth Bulletins - Available for youth 5th grade and up who remain in the worship service.  These bulletins include places for notetaking and guided activities and puzzles to help deepen their understanding of the Sunday text and sermon. 


Kid's Bible Study Group (Kid's O' the Kirk)


Sunday School




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